Accounting Equation

Corporate Identification Number (CIN)

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a 21 digits alpha-numeric unique code issued to all Companies (Private Limited Companies (PLCs), One Person Companies (OPCs), Companies owned by the State Government or Government of India, Section 8 Companies, Nidhi Companies etc.) registered in India. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) assigns the CIN to a company to identify it. Every time any activity such as change in director or shareholding takes place, an appropriate change is made in the records maintained by the ROC and these changes are reflected in the corresponding entry of the companies’ record on their website.

Decoding of CIN

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is the unique numerical identification of a business entity. It consists of important details, such as: Year of incorporation (Example: 2020) State code (Example: DL- Delhi) Type of company (Example: PLC – Public Limited ) Listing status (Example: L –listed).

A CIN number is a unique identify of a registered company with the ROC. It’s like the Company Number (or business license) which is allotted to every company when it has filed its incorporation form.

The CIN number is assigned by the Registrars of Companies and is needed for many tasks such as applying for Income Tax Return, TDS, PAN Card, Goods and Service Tax Registration and so on. It also helps trace important information about the company and its directors.

CINs are necessary to be printed on company’s official publications (newspapers, magazines, brochures) invoices, e-form on MCA’s website, letterheads, memos, and notices. 

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